Search engine optimization also called SEO is a subject covered by many individuals and also blogs, its the process of making your website appearance appealing to the search engines in the hope of obtaining a special position for your targeted keyword. Throughout my research study I find lots of articles that offer some excellent understandings to seo.
Listed below you could discover an post from Kiss Metrics which I located to be valuable and very interesting .
In last week’s #SEMrushchat, we talked about an exceptionally important topic: how brand authority interacts with SEO as a ranking factor, since we just released our newest study: the 17 most prominent Google ranking factors. We invited expert, Jennifer Slegg – founder & editor of The SEM Post, speaker, and author of Understanding Google Panda Algo Guide. Along with her and our other guests, we focused on questions like how to identify a good brand authority, how authority influences rankings, and how PR and SEO can, and should, interact. Here is what they had to say:
Q1. How do you identify a good brand authority? What are the main metrics you would use?
There are three factors that come into play: expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Expertise is your knowledge level and the value you can provide on any given subject. Expertise is your knowledge level and the value you can provide on any given subject. Your authority is how established your brand is, both in your industry and online. Trustworthiness is how much customers and industry peers trust that you, your content, and your products and services are all top-notch.
When it comes to measuring these factors, there are a number of metrics to look at in order to get the full picture, all of which can individually strengthen your search rank.
Often times, branded search volume increases as a brand becomes better known. Once upon a time, people didn’t include words such as “Amazon” “eBay” or even “Pinterest” in their Google/Bing/etc searches. #semrushchat
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) November 15, 2017
There are several ways to measure this. The first is branded search volume, or how many people are searching for you by name. Instead of searching for “sneakers,” for example, someone might search for “Nike sneakers” due to the brand being well established. This includes branded products, content, and even social media.
A1: Brand Search Volume (for all ‘branded’ terms: company, people, products, content, media, etc) #semrushchat
— Dan Shure (@dan_shure) November 15, 2017
A1 People performing searches include brand name/domain in their queries along w/keywords, indicating a relationship between them. #SEMRUSHChat
— Bill Slawski (@bill_slawski) November 15, 2017
Site links, including the number of backlinks a site has, are essential. In fact, our Ranking Factors study found that there was a direct correlation between the total number of backlinks a site had and its position in the SERPs, with every domain ranking for high-volume keywords having about 3x more backlinks than from lower-volume groups on the same position.
That being said, you don’t want to spam your links or use unethical practices to build links; Google penalized Rap Genius for doing just that recently, knocking them from the top page of the results even for their own name. This lasted ten days.
Social mentions are also a key factor. This can significantly improve your brand authority, and the transparency and user-generated content that comes with social media and social mentions can improve trust from other users and help you to be favored by Google.
A1. Metrics / indicators we look for when identifying good brand authority:
Brand recall
Brand mentions online
Social brand mentions / day (or week or month)
Citations (press, journal, book)
Inbound links#semrushchat #SEO— AccuraCast (@AccuraCast) November 15, 2017
Other key metrics to keep an eye on include knowledge graph integration, competitors bidding on a brand, and co-citations with competitors in lists. All of these indicate that people are talking about you and interacting with your content and brand organically, helping to establish your brand and raising your authority in Google.
A1. Also look at those in the market area with knowledge graphs… also a sign of authority from Google. #semrushchat
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) November 15, 2017
Q2. Should marketers work to increase the branded search volume, or is it something that comes naturally as a result of good PR? Why?
While good PR can naturally increase branded search volume, marketers should also be working diligently to increase their branded search volume simultaneously. Though this may come naturally on its own, deliberately helping this metric increase is always a good idea and producing content that will increase the branded search volume is a good plan.
A2: Marketers should work to increase branded search volume with positive sentiment. They can do this by promoting good PR, responding to mentions, producing quality products, etc. Branded search volume will increase as a result of this. #SEMrushchat
— Kiana LeClaire (@kiana_leclaire) November 15, 2017
Ideally, you want customers to search for “Lush bath bombs” instead of just “bath bombs,” or “” instead of “soda.” While it’s relatively easy to rank for branded keywords, it’s more difficult to get customers to search for them.
To do this, you’ll need to spark interest using strategies such as guest posting, word-of-mouth marketing, referrals, and creative campaigns that keep users coming back. It’s about building up your brand and making people interested in that. Having strong content can, over time, also help with this; it is why people search for things like “Jon Loomer Facebook Ads blog post.”
While you can easily rank for brand keywords (unless there is competition for a said keyword), it is better to optimize the brand for all keyword buckets equally. According to Ryan Glass – @RyanGPhx, “Marketers like to drive up branded search volume, and SEO experts want to drive it down and diversify the terms we are visible for.”
a2 When the Brand is established, branded search does come naturally. Brand Authority can be gained by social integration, blogging & being everywhere your audience resides. #semrushchat
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) November 15, 2017
It is essential that you are always focused on increasing your brand awareness because it doesn’t just “come naturally” today, where there is an overabundance of content and a near crisis of attention scarcity. You could search for almost any given topic and be shown thousands of blog posts and hundreds of free ebooks. While some will definitely be others, it is the brand authority that will often carry the most weight in determining where users click. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how great the content is if you haven’t been able to build a name around it.
Q2. Yes SEOs should work to increase the branded search volume via some influencing and positioning. It does also come naturally over time, but as SEOs we want to influence this. That’s one of the reasons why clients pay for SEO… #semrushchat
— Peter Mead (@petermeadit) November 15, 2017
A2 : Nothing comes naturally and a good PR action is worthless if no SEO work and branding strategy has been undertaken beforehand. Branded search volume is a regular to do for marketer. Launching TV, Content, Paid or Offline campaings to boost the volume is crucial #semrushchat
— Fanny Heuck (@FannyHeuck) November 15, 2017
In addition to producing more content, you should also be focusing on presenting your products and services in a clear, concise language that includes search phrases that will likely be used by consumers. This is where smart copywriting and keyword research comes into play. If you have optimized your product for “ballet slippers” but most of your target audience is searching for “pointe shoes,” you will miss out on a lot of searches – and a lot of sales.
You shouldn’t neglect the organic power of social mentions and PR placements. They provide a well-rounded, holistic brand authority that is difficult to match without them. Encourage customers to leave reviews, which have a strong word-of-mouth advertising feel and the benefit of immense visibility and immortality on your site. Some reviews will be SERP-friendly, which will automatically help you in rankings and brand authority. Even if they aren’t, however, Google takes customer reviews and mentions of your brand into their ranking consideration.
A2: It never hurts to increase brand awareness, video has been shown that it’s the best way to build awareness. I would say focus 70/30 between unbranded and branded #semrushchat
— Danny Ray Lima (@dannyraylima) November 15, 2017
A2: I mentioned this in previous chats: what your business does IS content. Do cool stuff, talk about it and others will, too #semrushchat
— Chris Countey (@chriscountey) November 15, 2017
A2. Optimize for branded search with your SEO and paid strategy, but don’t neglect the organic power of social mentions and PR placements. Together these will provide holistic brand authority. #semrushchat
— CallRail (@CallRail) November 15, 2017
A2: Yeah, branding is part of a holistic popularization practice. Ignoring branded search traffic and going just after strangers who don’t know you doesn’t make sense. #semrushchat
— Tadeusz Szewczyk (Tad Chef) (@onreact_com) November 15, 2017
And, as Andrew Martin – @AndrewDoesSEO pointed out, organic content has the capability to alleviate some of the need for PPC campaigns. When you are building relationships on social media or through content organically, you are staying relevant and on their mind. They will trust you more, and if they need something your business can offer, they will actively search you out instead of you needing to pay for PPC campaigns to win over these customers. You can then allocate that budget to other, more difficult targets like connecting with cold audiences.
Q3. How should SEO and PR work together? What are the main touch points?
It is very clear that SEO and PR go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s a press release or outreach for a guest posting opportunity, you have to think of both disciplines both separately and together in order to get the most out of your marketing. If you want your press release to do well, for example, you want to make sure it is optimized for SEO. At the same time, that very press release could benefit your SEO strategy. The two disciplines are separate, but they are entwined.
A3: I think it’s important that all PR departments be aware and monitor how SEO is affecting their brand exposure. #semrushchat
— Joseph Sarci (@Joseph_Sarci) November 15, 2017
A3: PR needs to know the importance of attracting links and using keywords in content that is distributed. An SEO should make sure these are known by the PR team. #semrushchat
— Netvantage Marketing (@netvantage) November 15, 2017
In many cases, after all, the best place for some of your content to live isn’t necessarily on your site, but on another site. This has enormous SEO benefits of a good backlink and a strong, relevant built-in audience. Plus, SEO can directly affect the outcomes of our PR goals; an SEO-optimized press release, after all, can ensure that as many people as possible see it. They increase visibility in different ways, and together they can increase brand authority for optimal SERPs.
A3. Just working *together* would be a start.
If your PR team is trying to hide a bad story, or a surface a good one SEO can help.
If your SEO team is trying to improve rankings around target topics, PR can help. #semrushchat
— Optimisey (@Optimisey) November 15, 2017
It is clear that good content writers or PR individuals and strong SEO marketers aren’t always the same people, even if everyone has a general understanding of the other disciplines. PR workers are typically focused specifically on content and sharing certain messages, whereas SEO experts are focused on the array of technical factors that will affect search results.
A3. 1⃣ earning mentions and making sure they have a backlink 😏 Editorial links can make huge difference. 2⃣ normally good tech SEOs and good content writers aren’t the same people. #semrushchat
— Xenia Volynchuk (@Xenia_Volynchuk) November 15, 2017
Because of this, both the PR and content teams and the SEO marketers should be checking in with each other regularly about the goals they have and how to meet them.
#SemRushChat A3: Biggy: Make sure everyone is on the same page of what is important and what isn’t important. PR should check in with SEO to see what has traction and what isn’t. Can’t squeeze water out of a rock folks.
— Colt SebastianTaylor (@ColtSTaylor) November 15, 2017
PR and SEO are stronger together, and weaker apart. This is a consistent theme that our experts noticed and made sure to point out when weighing in. If you want your big announcement to get as much visibility as possible, after all, you need strong SEO behind it. This can happen when all press releases and content are run by the SEO team, and feedback from the SEO team is observed regarding link opportunities.
Some important examples of how PR and SEO teams should be working together include:
Educating each other and creating goals – and the strategies to accomplish them – together.
Discussing media outreach. The PR team might know that the audience on one site is a better fit for your business, but your SEO specialists might be aware that a different site would provide more valuable backlinks (or that certain links on the same page might be more valuable than others). Together, they will make sure all the bases are covered.
Developing strategies to distribute and amplify content. When consulting each other, these teams can make sure that all of your content is highly readable by both Google and your target audience.
I think it is important that both teams work together. Or at the very least, give a heads up for anything that could impact the other, such as a PR announcement or the SEO team launching a new content area or feature. #semrushchat
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) November 15, 2017
Q4. How, if at all, could authority influence positions in search?
Authority can, and does, influence search a great deal. Brands with higher authority are often more desired, and therefore searched out more frequently by customers because it’s a brand that they trust. This, in turn, results in even better search visibility because it’s getting more traffic. Authority means trust, after all, and trust means better CTR, which means more authority. All of this is an upward spiral that means better SERPs across the board, giving you the ability to rank for more difficult and valuable keywords and show up higher in the results.
A4: According to [Google Mu] You need awesomeness to get the Higher SERPs. Be awesome, you will be authorized 😉 #SEMRushChat
— Saad AK (@SaadAlikhan1994) November 15, 2017
This doesn’t just go for consumers; bloggers and publications prefer trusted brands, too. They will trust you and your content more as reliable and accurate, so it’s much easier for a trusted brand to get links than it is for an unknown company to do the same.
A4. Authority influences position in search by increasing viewer visibility as well as trustworthiness. #semrushchat
— April Pensa (@AprilPensa1) November 15, 2017
This means that known brands have an enormous natural advantage when it comes to generating significantly more backlinks. And, the more backlinks you get, the better your SERPs become. On top of that, if you are able to optimize for keywords correctly, you will dominate the organic traffic, too. Again, it is all about that upwards spiral and building momentum.
A4. And bonus! When a site has high authority, it also tends to be sites people are more willing to link to, to share, to recommend, etc. These reinforce the brand (to increase those branded searches), help brand awareness and have the side effects of helping SEO. #semrushchat
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) November 15, 2017
In the meantime, there are strategies you can use to make your content more linkable and trustworthy to new visitors. These strategies include:
Sourcing statistics and facts that you can back up and verify from other credible sites and publications.
Adding social share buttons, or quotable “Click to Retweet” CTAs in the text to increase social shares and drive up social proof.
Mentioning influencers, brands, and publications in your own articles, which can help put you on their radar.
Providing value with your contest instead of just trying to sell your products or services aggressively.
It is also worth noting that domain names and queries are seen as search entities instead of brand entities; it is why Google favors big brands. This is why big brands sell a small portion of what companies only sell but consistently rank better for broad search terms because of their site and brand authority in the space. If you search for organic soap, for example, you might be sent to Whole Foods or Target which has two or three choices, instead of a small local business with twenty-five options.
A4: Authority influences search rankings in many ways, some of them indirectly, others directly. Authority sites like the NYT have a much bigger impact due to “trustrank” algorithms search engines use even when the link is somewhere at the bottom. #semrushchat
— Tadeusz Szewczyk (Tad Chef) (@onreact_com) November 15, 2017
In this way, authority heavily influences the search user, and those enterprise-level clicks will significantly boost your ranking position; even smart keyword research can only do so much against that kind of authority level. The only way to combat this factor is to build up more authority for your own brand.
Q5. How can negative sentiments in the SERPs affect authority, and how would that negativity also affect rankings?
Negative sentiments or reviews can cause an almost immediate drop in CTR and traffic, especially if those sentiments pop up towards the top of a search engine, like the United Airlines debacle that happened earlier this year; news reports about the scandal ranked above the business’s site. Negative sentiments can cause your brand reputation to suffer, losing trust or earning you less of it, sinking the amount of traffic you are getting. Simultaneously, fewer people trust your brand, which means that fewer people are looking for it, hurting you again. We talked about an upwards cycle in question 3; this is a downward spiral you don’t want to get sucked into.
A5 – neg sentiments won’t affect authority directly but a drop in traffic will – brand rep suffers and earns less trust less traffic again and then the downward spiral starts. #SEMRushChat
— Simon Cox (@simoncox) November 15, 2017
To top it all off, Google has recently incorporated sentiment monitoring into the Quality Rater Guidelines. They want site raters to look for the reputation of the sites they rate, specifically telling them to look at off-site sources of reputation. If you have bad reviews on Yelp or several bloggers hot on your tail saying that you aren’t reliable, your SERPs are going to drop. There’s nowhere to hide, so you need to be ready.
A5: Google – like many other companies – monitors user sentiment and uses it as a “negative” ranking factor ever since many hate bait articles have impacted their search results heavily in the past. #semrushchat
— Tadeusz Szewczyk (Tad Chef) (@onreact_com) November 15, 2017
A5 Google has published a patent that says that sentiment in reviews can cause search results to be boosted or demoted (depending upon the sentiment involved.) #SEMRUSHChat
— Bill Slawski (@bill_slawski) November 15, 2017
Because of this, you want to do what you can to avoid negative reviews and comments online. Offer incredible customer service, produce great products, and make your customers happy, and all the E.A.T. goodness can follow. It is important that you don’t just wait for Google to start knocking you down, you should actively monitor both social and traditional media channels. SEMrush has brand monitoring tools that allow you to see what other people are saying about you (since they might not always say it to you) in real-time, allowing you to get ahead of any type of bad situation.
Negative sentiment can erode your brand in the long-term as users slowly abandon you as a viable authority, source, and brand. It can also hurt you even quickly in the short-term if you are unlucky and don’t respond to it fast enough, and the situation escalates with stories across multiple mediums and a flurry of negative social mentions. Keep in mind that every single business will have unhappy customers and that this is almost unavoidable.
A5: But when it comes to rep, nearly all sites will have some kind of negative feedback. This is normal… even the most awesome business will sometimes not be able to please everyone. #semrushchat
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) November 15, 2017
It is also true that negative sentiment can be more powerful than positive sentiment in some cases. After all, one unhappy customer will tell ten of their friends to never shop again, while one happy customer will tell only one of their friends about their great experience. In one scenario, you lose eleven customers; in the other, you gain two. Negative reviews that show up online can do even more damage.
Here is the good news: while no brand wants to have negative comments about them online, it isn’t an automatic death sentence. If the situation is handled well or if it’s an occasional or isolated incident, they can recoup. If not, of course, they’ll be purchasing a ton of reputation management and maybe getting a new PR team to boot.
A5: Negative results, like an article, can very much impact branding. But negative results can’t destroy a brand unless it’s a very small local business. #semrushchat
— Kevin_Indig (@Kevin_Indig) November 15, 2017
Are there any other questions you have about brand authority coming into play as an SEO ranking factor? Do you have any additional insight? For more information, check out our recent study about the 17 most prominent Google ranking factors.
If you would certainly such as to check out even more articles on search engine optimization then really feel complimentary to browse our other short articles. We have numerous even more curated write-ups from Kiss Metrics and I hope you enjoy reviewing them.