‘High-quality content’ tips from Google’s own style guides

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Google has long stressed the importance of “high-quality content” but has provided little, if any, help for those seeking to create it. Until now.

Last month, Google’s Developer Relations Group publicly published five different guides aimed at helping its own creators “striving for high-quality documentation.” And “documentation,” when posted online, means digital content.

Now available:

To put this in context, consider that these documents represent just a few of the many guides Google uses internally. The information provided is not new, unique, original, or even complete. That said, Google’s Developer Documentation Style Guides are an excellent resource for anyone interested in creating the type of high-quality content that users value and search engines reward.

Each guide reinforces the idea that high-quality pages — the kind that rank well in search — are a combination of high-quality code, content and UX.

Here is a quick overview of Google’s Developer Documentation Style Guide tips for content creators:

  • Use a friendly, conversational tone with a clear purpose — somewhere between the voice you use when talking to your buds and that you’d use if you were a robot.
  • Try to sound like a knowledgeable friend who understands what users want to do.
  • Use standard American spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization.
  • Craft clear, concise, short sentences with simple words that users will understand.
  • Implement effective and descriptive link text.
  • Use accessible words and short sentences that will translate well to other languages.
  • Consider numbered lists for sequences of events.
  • Ensure outbound links are to sites that are “high-quality, reliable and respectable.”

Here is a quick overview of Google’s Developer Documentation Style Guide tips for developers/technical creators:

  • Consider SVG files or optimized .png files with ALT text.
  • Use tables and/or lists correctly. For example, only use a table when you have multiple columns of information.
  • Include <strong> or <b> as appropriate — <b> is for visual emphasis and <strong> is for items of strong importance.
  • Select HTTPS for embedded resources when possible, especially images, media files, CSS and scripts.
  • For HTML templates, use HTML5 in UTF-8 without byte order marks (BOMs).
  • Consider three-character hexadecimal notations instead of six characters for colors, as they are shorter and more succinct.
  • Use HTML for structure and CSS for visual style.

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Giphy CEO: We Own Happy Birthday On Google. Next Day They Get Hit

i hope you like this article on Giphy CEO: We Own Happy Birthday On Google. Next Day They Get Hit

A Fast Company story on October 3rd profiling Giphy, the popular GIF search engine, ended off with the cofounder and CEO of Giphy, Alex Chung saying “Yeah, we own happy birthday now [on Google].” Then on October 4th, Giphy got hit and they are now on page two for the search term, [happy birthday].

Here is that snippet at the end of the article:

“Forget that,” Leibsohn replies. “You search ‘Happy birthday,’ we’re No. 1.” (This is true!)

“Yeah, we own happy birthday now,” Chung says.

If you can’t make money from owning happy birthday, well, there are 1,716 GIFs tagged “face palm” to send Chung and Leibsohn.

Do you think Google smacked them because of the article?

Here is Glenn Gabe showing how they got hit in search the day after the story:

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Bing Ads launches automated bid strategy to ‘Maximize Clicks’

See details of post Bing Ads launches automated bid strategy to ‘Maximize Clicks’ below

Bing Ads has announced the rollout of an automated bid strategy aimed at maximizing the number of clicks advertisers can receive within their budgets.

In August 2016, Bing Ads added the Enhanced CPC bid strategy, which automatically adjusts bids up or down based on the determined likelihood that a click will convert.

How to use Maximize Clicks

At the campaign level, the option to Maximize Clicks can be selected under the “Bid Strategy type” drop-down shown below or in campaign Settings.

In Settings, advertisers can set a max bid ceiling that will apply to all bids in the campaign.

Advertisers can also selectively maintain manual bid controls for certain ad groups and/or keywords in a campaign set to Maximize Clicks. At the ad group or keyword level, choose “Use My Bid” from the Bid Strategy drop-down menu:

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SearchCap: Google short videos, AdWords scripts & IoT for local search

See details of post SearchCap: Google short videos, AdWords scripts & IoT for local search below

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Submit your SEO questions to Google for upcoming short Q&A videos
    Oct 9, 2017 by Barry Schwartz

    Google hasn’t produced short-form SEO video answers for three years, but now they’re looking to start it back up again.

  • Answer engine JustAnswer now uses bots to route questions to human experts
    Oct 9, 2017 by Greg Sterling

    The use of bots to qualify questions or leads, which are then handed off to experts or reps, may be the optimal chatbot use case.

  • 6 ways IoT will make local search for SMBs scalable
    Oct 9, 2017 by Wesley Young

    Don’t turn your attention away from the Internet of Things just yet. Contributor Wesley Young contends that the data provided by connected devices could help smaller players better compete with the big guys.

  • 4 (not so) ordinary conversion elements you may be abusing
    Oct 9, 2017 by Stoney deGeyter

    Contributor Stoney DeGeyter argues that you should optimize with an eye toward conversions and let the rankings take care of themselves.

  • AdWords Scripts now available in new AdWords interface
    Oct 6, 2017 by Frederick Vallaeys

    AdWords Scripts have received some new capabilities in the new AdWords interface. Contributor Frederick Vallaeys walks us through what to expect.

  • Pick up the phone: Your best customer is on the line.
    Oct 9, 2017 by Digital Marketing Depot

    Marketers cannot ignore offline channels. Customers no longer see a difference between digital and physical. In fact, in this age of digital connectivity, inbound phone calls are on the rise. And it is often these customers who call directly to a business are a marketer’s most valuable asset. In May 2017, Marchex commissioned Forrester Consulting […]

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Danny Sullivan Joins Google Today: Will It Help The Search Community?

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While I was offline, my search mentor, Danny Sullivan announced he has accepted a job offer to work at Google. I’ll be 100% honest, I did not see that coming, in fact, I don’t think most of those who worked with him saw that coming and I don’t think Danny expected it either.

He said he will “serve as a sort of public liaison for search.” He wrote:

My title is still being determined, but the position will be to serve as a sort of public liaison for search. The goal is to increase the connection between those at Google who work hard on search each day and the public that depends on Google for answers. I’ll be educating the public about how search works. I’ll be exploring and explaining issues that may arise. I’ll be looking at ways to take in feedback and work for solutions to improve search going forward.

So it seems like a two fold position:

(1) Teach people how to use Google, somewhat like a guy named Dan Russell at Google.

(2) Bridging the gap between the webmaster community (us) and Google. Like a John Mueller, Gary Illyes and their team there.

He left the search industry just about a few months ago, only to return right back to it for the other side. Today will be his first day at Google. Which means a week of orientation and then a ton of training. He wrote:

I’ll share more about my new role with the search team in the coming weeks. It’s going to take time for me to come up-to-speed on the many ways Google already communicates with the public, deals with issues, and for me to learn more about how search works from a behind-the-scenes perspective. After that, there will be a better sense of how the new position will help contribute.

People have been asking me all weekend what my thoughts are about this. So here you go, in no specific order, without editing (of course):

  • I was shocked by the news
  • I had no idea it was coming
  • I’ve worked with Danny for 12 years
  • I have huge respect for him
  • He would not have taken on the role if he didn’t think he can help both Google and the search community
  • I wonder if he will be able to help
  • I suspect he will be able to help in different ways than Gary or John
  • I am sure at times it will be awkward for me and him
  • I certainly hope Google becomes more transparent
  • I am cautiously optimistic about this

I think that sums up my feelings overall – but I really think this is going to be a let’s wait and see thing. And there will be a lot of waiting and seeing.

A lot of people are calling this as Danny is taking on Matt Cutts role. But Matt was an engineer, Danny is not a coder. Danny, I doubt, will be making search quality decisions and decisions at launch meetings. But that being said, I found Matt Cutts, who is no longer at Google, to share some of the more revealing tweets about what to expect from this news:

Matt Cutts also wrote on Google+ that “Google needs this” and he is happy to see Danny join Google.

Some in the industry are saying Danny has sold out by going to work at Google. He has been advocating for the search industry for 20 plus years from the search community side and now to join Google, to some, feel like a back stabbing of some sorts. But like I said before, I don’t think Danny would have taken the job if it meant him stabbing the community he help found in the back. He really must feel he can help the community, above and beyond.

I do hope I get to interview Danny Sullivan one day on the stage at SMX, it should be a ton of fun:

But we will see.

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Answer engine JustAnswer now uses bots to route questions to human experts

See details of post Answer engine JustAnswer now uses bots to route questions to human experts below

JustAnswer is one of the survivors of the “answer engine” or Q&A craze that was prevalent a number of years ago. The venerable (or ancient) Yahoo Answers is still around, and so is Quora, but various efforts from Google, Facebook, Amazon and a range of startups are gone.

The most recent entrant, Biz Stone’s Jelly, was acquired by Pinterest earlier this year.

The pitch is compelling: Humans are better than algorithms at answering complex questions, and users want “answers not links.” Yet almost nobody has been able to get the formula right (quality + scale + a business model) — and that includes Yahoo and Quora. But JustAnswer has managed to make it work.

Founded in 2003, JustAnswer adopted the paid-advice model that was also used by the original Google Answers. Each user who connects with one of 12,000 experts on the site pays on average $30 for a consultation. There are no ads. Most of JustAnswer’s traffic comes from SEO.

Last week, the site introduced “Pearl,” a virtual assistant intended to answer simple questions and qualify leads for the site’s roster of experts. The tool has been in beta testing for three years and has the advantage of being trained on 16 million questions and answers in the company’s database.

“This is a killer app for the chatbot era,” says Andy Kurtzig, JustAnswer’s founder and CEO. Kurtzig says Pearl adds significant efficiency to the process, eliminating the need for the experts to spend as much time determining the nature of a consumer’s problem or question before responding. Pearl can operate as an intelligent routing engine.

The bot can recognize more than 100,000 variables in conversation and ask context-specific follow-up questions. For example, if there’s a pet problem, the assistant would seek to diagnose the problem generally and then forward that information to the veterinarian-expert before the consultation. Users are asked during the conversation if they want to talk to an expert.

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6 ways IoT will make local search for SMBs scalable




See details of post 6 ways IoT will make local search for SMBs scalable below

In an age of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) may seem like yesterday’s news, but, of all the technologies currently developing, it has the greatest potential for near-term changes that affect local search.

While it remains murky how AI will benefit agencies, IoT is reaching a critical point in adoption and maturing to a stage where it provides actionable data. Or, as Brian Buntz with the Internet of Things Institute stated, “The IoT is about to shift into ludicrous mode.”

The growth of the IoT is spurred by decreasing costs of hardware, such as sensors, together with the ease and availability of wireless connectivity. IoT devices already outnumber smartphones by about four times, and growth is expected to accelerate further with Cisco estimates topping 50 billion devices by 2020. The amount of data generated by these devices is enormous.

Growth in the Internet of Things

Source: Cisco

Annual global IP traffic already exceeds 1 zettabyte of data and will double by 2019, Cisco forecasts. What is a zettabyte? It’s 1 billion terabytes. Or 1,000 exabytes. One exabyte amounts to 36,000 years of HD video, the company says. And Cisco adds, if a small (or a tall, for you Starbucks drinkers) coffee represented 1GB, a zettabyte would equate to a volume of coffee the size of the Great Wall of China. That’s a lot of data.

Back in 2014, Cisco’s CEO pegged the IoT as a $19 trillion market opportunity that will almost certainly change the way consumers do pretty much everything, from working to driving to shopping to exercising, and many other things.

And a subset of IoT, the location of things market — which enables connected devices to monitor and communicate their geographic location — is expected to reach $72 billion by 2025, according to Grand View Research. With location being the heart of local search, IoT will impact local search and search marketing in profound ways. But it goes beyond location.

According to Goldman Sachs, there are five main IoT verticals of adoption: wearables, connected cars, connected homes, connected cities and industrial internet. The first three are those most relevant to search, as they are related to consumer intent and behavior.

ey verticals of adoption - IOT

Source: Goldman Sachs

The SMB scale issue

Servicing local businesses with small budgets has always been a challenge for agencies. It’s too much work for too little money. It’s also expensive for SMBs who don’t enjoy the scale that larger businesses benefit from when purchasing search advertising or other marketing services. Both of which lead to the high churn rates at agencies that service SMBs.

Even though search boasts the ability to know the intent of users through keyword searches and display relevant advertising in response, it still has inefficiencies that are magnified for SMBs. Understanding user intent is largely dependent on how accurately the user can express his or her needs in typical keywords.

Let me illustrate with a personal example. I recently replaced an electric cooktop in my kitchen with a gas one. But the electric cooktop used a unique 50 amp plug. Instead of hiring an electrician, I wanted to see if there was an adapter that would convert that 50 amp socket into one that would fit the standard 15 amp plug that my gas cooktop used.

Gas range adapter vs RV plug adapter

What I needed (Gas Range Adapter) vs. What I got (RV Plug Adapter)

I must have conducted a dozen searches of varying terms describing what I wanted. I was repeatedly served search ads of products that seemed to be what I was looking for. But all the products advertised did just the opposite — converted a 15 amp socket for a 50 amp plug — an issue I discovered was common to RV hookups. I finally found a product conveniently called a gas range adapter. It seems obvious now, but, since I didn’t know the name for it, I wasted a lot of time, and more importantly, clicks on irrelevant search ads.

Consumers with experiences like mine may be why so many SMBs stop buying SEM services. But if search engines and advertisers had had more data about me and about my recent offline behavior, this problem might have been avoided, and I could have been served up information that was relevant to my needs.

Better data — which IoT can deliver — will both improve the consumer experience and result in better returns from marketing for SMBs. With better ROI, SMBs can better justify spending money on hiring agencies, and agencies can spend more time doing the job right. Data will also produce better results with automated processes like programmatic ad buying, reducing time and cost for agencies.

What kind of data are we talking about?

Current data use in targeting and retargeting is just the tip of the iceberg compared to how IoT will change the landscape. It appears nothing is off-limits when it comes to connectivity. Connected products being developed include mascara, contact lenses and ink for tattoos.

Simple applications would already be improvements over former or current uses. For example, location information can be enhanced by real-time data from wearables such as clothing, shoes or smart watches that indicate speed, and thus, whether the user is passing by in a vehicle or walking down the street. And, if the user is walking, it could indicate whether the person is walking for exercise, at a pace to get to a destination or at one that would indicate window shopping. Multiple location devices on a consumer are also more likely to interact with on-site location devices such as beacons and WiFi and help improve location accuracy.

Another area of significant growth for IoT is health care. Devices like contact lenses, implants, wearables or tattoo-like connected ink can track sweat composition and body chemistry, measure blood flow and glucose levels, or even determine whether you’ve taken medication. Lack of adherence to medical prescriptions is estimated to cause 125,000 deaths and at least 10 percent of hospitalizations, making such devices arguably medically necessary.

Home connected devices — including lights, appliances, thermostats, vacuums, pillows, TVs, lawnmowers, video cams, voice assistants, scales and security systems — capture behavioral data in the home as never before.

Examples of IoT devices

Examples of IoT Devices

But the potential lies in the way data from multiple devices may be integrated to tell a deeper story. Envision knowing the sleep habits of a consumer such as:

  • how soundly they sleep.
  • what body triggers occur before they wake up.
  • how many times they get up at night and turn on the lights.
  • whether they turn the TV on.
  • how that sleep varies based on the temperature of the room.
  • whether the chip-tagged cat climbing onto the bed triggers minor allergies that wake the homeowner.

The potential for insight into consumer behavior and responding with timely information is limited only by imagination. Yet the impending impact is already something agencies and SMBs can plan for. Below I take a look at six ways IoT will boost the ROI of search marketing for SMBs, making it a much broader and viable option.

6 ways that IoT will make local search scalable for SMBs

1.Boost search ads through improved targeting

Good data will make targeting the right person at the right time more accurate. Multiple GPS-connected devices per person provide additional location data for tracking users with greater accuracy and additional IoT data will provide deeper insight into needs and behavior.

For example, your wearable knows you just worked out and are hot and thirsty, based on your sweat readings. Your car knows there is a 7-Eleven two blocks ahead on your right where you can swing in quickly. And your phone can read you a notification on a 99-cent deal for a large cold slushy drink at that location which is good for 10 minutes. You pull in, and the coupon is location-triggered and automatically applied to your credit card when you pay.

2. Customer data becomes the new competitive edge

Large buyers of marketing services gain a competitive edge in scale by spreading costs over a large volume of interactions or leads. That lowers cost per lead. Smaller local businesses often don’t have that luxury, but good IoT data that improves the conversion of leads means that you can get more customers even when buying fewer leads. So the cost per customer goes down.

Ultimately, having the right customer data — rather than scale — is the new competitive edge.

3. Identify real-world offline behavior that drives online action

Knowing more about a person’s habits or preferences isn’t just about being able to target them directly. That data, when aggregated for many other individuals, reveals trends and predictability for targeting strategies. SEL’s sister publication, Marketing Land, recently published an interview with PlaceIQ CEO Duncan McCall, who explained that offline data on user location and behavior is a better indicator of intent than online signals.

In other words, knowing real-life choices, actions and behavior predicts online decisions better than clicks, search history and page views. Presumably, this is because the offline behavior is a deeper and more complete picture of the real world, at least until we live in a Matrix-like AR universe.

And that type of data is exactly what IoT devices collect and measure. The data can provide some surprising audience insights. Data from targeting platform NinthDecimal revealed that fast-food patrons were not the best targets for a quick-service restaurant campaign. Rather, DIY enthusiasts, moviegoers and leisure travelers were better targets.

4. Boost data sharing and overcome privacy concerns with services consumers want

There’s a great concern, especially with companies that have business in Europe, over evolving privacy laws. Europe’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which takes effect in May 2018, limits use of a person’s data unless express consent is given.

The way to overcome that limitation is to provide a product or service that the user values more than the information he or she is releasing. For example, a company called Mimo makes onesies for infants that measure breathing, sleep movements and other sensitive data. But concerned parents gladly turn that information over to the company in return for protection against SIDS or improved sleep routines.

Roomba, the maker of robotic vacuums, uses maps of your home to improve the overall user experience. The inside of your house seems like something most wouldn’t want to share, but consumers routinely choose convenience over privacy. If data sharing will make your vacuum perform better and get your house cleaner, many users will agree to it. Data might be shared with Amazon or Apple to link the device to your Echo or to Siri. It may link to any of a number of smart home devices made by Google (Nest), Samsung (appliances) or a flooring company or a retailer that carries Roomba-friendly furniture.

However, the GDPR prohibits making provision of a service conditional upon release of data if that data is not necessary to the service. While not law in the US, there certainly are discussions over similar privacy concerns. Yet again, providing related benefits in return for the data can solicit “freely given consent.”

For example, I recently installed a Honeywell WiFi connected thermostat in my home. Honeywell has since emailed me to offer a software upgrade that will optimize my thermostat settings to help save me money and states that customers save $71-$117 a year on their energy bills by enrolling in the program. I get customized reports with insights into my energy use, comparison to similar homes and tips to help track and improve energy efficiency. I’m sure those “tips” will include some referrals to vendors such as insulation companies, solar energy vendors and HVAC contractors. But I’ll likely opt in to save a few bucks.

5. Level the playing field in access to big data

One of the complaints about privacy regulations is that they favor the big players that have sufficient leverage to get consumers to consent to handing over their data. Not many opt out of using Google Maps because they don’t want to share their location data, whereas smaller lesser used apps are easier to say “No” to.

Apple is also limiting ad tracking and frustrating ad buyers, but since its revenue is not advertising-dependent, it doesn’t really care. Those restrictions hurt advertiser conversions, make retargeting less effective and reduce reach. Meanwhile, Google is beginning to block “annoying” ads in its Chrome browser, further demonstrating that decisions made by a few big players can have a lot of impact.

The explosion of IoT devices means a lot more players in the data supply chain that provide quality first-party data and widen the narrow funnel controlled by a few major players. With data being the new competitive edge, that’s a great thing for ad buyers.

For example, in my Honeywell thermostat example, ad buyers can target users directly through Honeywell’s communications to its customers, or Honeywell can use its customer data to match and target users within other third-party media outlets such as Facebook or Bing.

6. Overcome ad blocking

Ad blocking occurs because users are tired of being served ad content they don’t want. However, there are repeated studies that show users are receptive to targeted or relevant advertising.

Verve shared a study called “The Rise of Mobile Prodigies” at LSA’s Place Conference that demonstrated that young consumers want ads to be tailored to their interests, hobbies, habits and location. Forty-six percent of them even saved ads they found innovative to revisit at a later time.

InMarket shared a case study at the same event showing a 2.3x lift in purchase intent, as well as 100 percent positive social media reaction to ads they created for ProYo, a protein-rich ice cream product.

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    Google Says They Are Not Done Announcing Future Algorithms

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    For about almost 14 years now, I’ve been reported on Google algorithm updates. We’ve been through different levels of communication with Google regarding these updates.

    Early on, Google simply did 30 day Google Dances, so it was clear when Google did an update. After that we had updates like Florida and many others that Google did not confirm or talk much about, but we knew there were major changes. Then Matt Cutts at Google shared very specific details on updates around Panda, Penguin, EMDs, and many others. In fact, he would give us the percentage of change Google noticed in the search results around them.

    Now we are back to a point where the only changes Google is communicating are major indexing issues, like the mobile first index and such. Google has not confirmed officially any search quality or spam algorithms in a long long time. On one hand, I miss the confirmations, on the other hand, now Google mocks us with their “we change things all the time” line. Of course they do, I write 5 stories a day on this site, so I change this site all the time too! Kristine Schachinger put it well with some of the frustration around the lack of communication.

    So I asked John Mueller of Google about this specifically in a hangout at the 37:34 mark asking “are you guys ever going to confirm algorithm updates in the future? Back in the day, Matt Cutts use to be like yea, this update effected 1.3% of search queries. Matt Cutts retired, you guys stopped doing that.”

    John, and maybe rightly so mocked me saying “yea, we should just keep asking Matt, maybe he knows?” But then added “I suspect we will” communicate more algorithm changes in the future.

    Here are examples of Matt communicating updates such as Penguin releases with links to the Google blog:

    Here he is saying that during one release there was also an EMD update:

    Transparency! Heck, even the Google Twitter account did it:

    Here is the video embed:

    [embedded content]

    He added:

    I think there is some algorithms that definitely make sense to highlight to webmasters. There are a lot of things, at least recently where when I look at what is actually been happening on our side, we are basically just trying to improve the quality and the relevance of the search results and there is not really anything specific that a web site should be doing to change that.

    Espesially when it comes to algorithmic changes where there is something where the webmaster can do to help their site, that is something we definitely want to highlight.

    I suspect that we will have at least some algorithms that we announce. I think because we make so many algorithm changes all the time, it is hard for us to announce all of them. But some of them we will definitely try to announce and I think that also helps webmasters to figure out what they could be doing differently.

    Q: Do you see that happening any time soon? Or you have no idea?

    A: It really depends on what is changing. So the mobile first indexing stuff is definitely something we want to talk about when we get closer. Similar changes where we had something that effected speed, we would love to talk about that because that is something you can actually work on with your web site and if you improve things in that regard, it could help your rankings and that could help your users as well. So that is kind of like everyone wins out of talking about that.

    Q: What about on the spam side or the quality side?

    From the quality side, I think it might depend, I don’t know. The spammy side is probably almost easier. That is probably something where we can say this is an abusive thing where we seen in the past which is kind of problematic and if you’ve been doing it or if your previous SEO has been doing it for your web site then that is something you might want to clean up and here is how to do that. I think that’s kind of a natural match there.

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    Danny Sullivan joins Google, leaves advisor role at Third Door Media

    See details of post Danny Sullivan joins Google, leaves advisor role at Third Door Media below

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    All-new MarTech Today guide: Enterprise Digital Personalization Tools

    See details of post All-new MarTech Today guide: Enterprise Digital Personalization Tools below

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